You had it all
Josh our lovely neighour and our wonderful mate
It’s just so wrong that you’re not here any more and you have met fate
You had the world at your feet – you had it all
A loving family, good looks and charm, a beautiful big heart
To list your achievments, it’s hard to know where to start
You had it all
You had great mates, a lovely girlfriend, you were funny and smart
You had it all
You had real passion and love for life and for animals and the land
Always ready to help a neighbour and give a hand
You had it all
You were so gentle and so kind
The kind of bloke we want little Jock to grow to be
We miss you Josh – rest well our friend
Our love and deep condolences go to your family
Mike, Debbie, Jess, James, Jo, Jacob, Jordy and Jemma
Love Mully, Marie, Jock, Lizzie and Isabella Muldoon
and the Underwood families
Joshie, my little co-pilot
Always smiling with that cheeky dimple grin…..Thank you for being my little mate when I needed a hand.
I’m going to miss seeing you down at the farm having a yarn about helicopters v’s fixed wings (The Sky Danger!!!), Hondas v’s KTMS, mustering cattle & fishing. You were always a super keen and attentive learner , willing to help out whenever you could, whether it was cattle work, baiting, burning off , fencing, or helping service the helicopter.
It was inevitable that you were going to be a pilot, what with the barrage of questions about how they fly, this, that and the other & your natural ability to take control of the machine (don’t tell CASA that !!). It was just a matter of time.
I knew you would fly one day but not this way…
The way you passed was a one in a million chance…Nobody or anything is to blame , it’s just hard to come to terms with that it happened to a one in a million bloke.
I’ll always cherish my memories of the time I spent with you.
Fly high Joshie, I’ll miss you dearly, but I’ll be keeping an eye out for you next time I’m up there flying around.
PS….sorry about forgetting to pick you up that day from Fish River when you were helping with some fencing…A night in the fencers camp would have been an education for ya anyway!!!
My Love & thoughts to all the Farrell family, Hailey & his loving friends.
I will always treasure the last time I was with Josh just a few weeks ago. There was not much light left in the day but he willingly said yes to take me fishing. We drove the battered old suzuki and vines were hanging down on the track trying to pull us out of the car as we drove the tight track he loved. We had a fish in a very crocky looking place and Josh made sure Jordan kept away from the bank. As per usual Josh caught the fish! I told him he wasn’t a very good fishing guide seeing he caught all the fish! On the way back, the sun had faded and we staked a tire which noisily disintegrated as we crawled back to Ebenezer. When we finally arrived it was down to the rim. Josh jokingly said, She’s right!
I will miss you Josh. You were one of a kind. Your uncle Kel
”—Josh’s favorite song. He’s just “gotta run”.
My dear brother, you were one of a kind. The presence you gave could light up a dark room.
You have now traded chains for the wings of a dove and I can see you up in heaven making choices for the good. You were our angel on earth, given to us by God himself and how He loves you Josh.
Every minute of every day you are in my thoughts and even though I will miss you so very much, I know we will all be together really soon. That is the day I long for, to dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER!!!
Love you so much brother… You were a huge blessing to our family and friends and you are an inspiration to keep us going.
Your sister, Jess xxxxx
Joshua Lachlan Dan Farrell, 1993-2013 Ride In Peace Mate,
Even though you have left us on Earth to go to Heaven, you will always be here in our hearts.
Love you Joshy