“Daniel Morelli (Cousin)”
Joshy, it’s taken me a little longer to put it up just wishing it wasn’t true, hoping it was a bad dream! I’m gonna miss you buddy but ill never forget all the memories we have had together and ill cherish all the times we spent together for the rest of my life„ making sure I never forgetting little dimples cheeky grin and big blue eyes, words can’t describe how I’m feeling right now, you were the brother I never had we did everything together growing up, sleep overs all the time, riding pushbikes together ir climbing the moullburybtree.. you taught me a lot that i know today and I’m so greatful I got to know you buddy, I know we had a lot more thing planned but ill have to wait till I join you up there and you can show me around ill be seeing you up there mate.. Make sure you keep looking over me mate and I know you’ll be with me every step of the way just like you should be, I love you Josh Farrell.. Ride in peace up there ill be with you soon enough ❤ 15/11/1993 - 26/2/2013 xo